The bell rings and the students pile out of the classroom; all but one. She sneaks to the back of the locker and pulls out what seems to be an unknown book, certainly not a school book. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes then whispers some words and gasps feeling the air wisp around her, petals flowing through the air as she falls to her knees the book falls and magic envelops her. Magic flowed through her all along.
☽What I'm Wearing☾
Hair: .Entwined. Azalea / Light Blondes
Bow: *Tentacio* Gift @Crystal Heart
Glasses: Ichigo* - Enchanted Love Glasses @Crystal Heart
Outfit: *GF* Sailor Suit -black- @Crystal Heart
Scepter: CURELESS [+] Crystal Rod / Fatpack / Gift @Crystal Heart
Sakura Petals: +Half-Deer+ Sakura Petals [Pink Set]
Magic Circles: INORI - Judgement -MagicCircles - Gift @Crystal Heart
Book: {The Crystal Heart} Academy Handbook GIFT @Crystal Heart
Pose: Serendipity: grace... (bento)
Taken At: Backdrop City