☽What I'm Wearing☾
Hair: Beusy: Mija Hairstyle / Fatpack
Glasses: Cae :: Louisa :: Glasses
♥ Bodysuit: .PrettyDeceased. Natalie Bodysuit Fatpack @Cosmopolitan
♥ Fur: .PrettyDeceased. Natalie Fur Fatpack @Cosmopolitan
♥ Heels: .PrettyDeceased. Natalie Pumps @Cosmopolitan
♥ Chair: -{Lalou}- Maledom Chair @Spicy Event
Snake Candelabra: DELIRIUM +LUNACY+ // Venomous Lights - Fatpack
Skybox: VARONIS - Ascelin Skybox
Trees: The Little Branch Forest Pansy Tree
This post kind of gives me strength in many ways... this beautiful piece of furniture from -{Lalou}- comes with so much to do, and it was overwhelming to me. It reminded me of my past with relationships. It also reminded me of how I'm growing now with my current one, and how this pose right her shows I can go whatever pace I want and that is what a healthy relationship should be. So shout out to that, and shout out to this hunk (hehe you know who you are, your wonderful dear and thank you for letting me use you as a model)