Thank you for the opportunity Refuge, our new sponsor to Static Rosemary! I hope you really enjoy the Rosemary welcome here on the blog ^^ On another note, I recently bought these plant sets, and I have to say, I'm in love with them!
❤ {Chairs}: Refuge - Mayza May Chair @The Fantasy Collective
❤ {Table}: Salacity - Lagrange Coffee Table (Group Gift)
❤ {Lamps}: Refuge - Ren Lantern @The Seasons Story
{Plants}: {what next} House Plants 2 - Set of 3
{Cat}: ..::THOR::.. Salem the Cat - Licking (Past Hunt Item)
❤ {Jars}: Refuge - Galaxy Jar (Past Hunt Item)
{Tarot}: Dreaming Thicket - Dark Arts Tarot Set
❤ {Backdrop}: #Cranked# Backdrop Window @PreCAST Inc. Event