☽What I'm Wearing☾
Bra/Pantie Set: ::After Midnight Fashion:: Karen Lounge Set @TWE12VE
Shoes: :::ChicChica::: Morgana Noir
Thigh Carving: - Fika - Mystic Thigh Carvings
♥ Cage Table: .:Short Leash:. Devotion Display Table @Spicy Event (Jan 10-27th!)
Bag: dust bunny . pastel night . bat bag
Backdrop: anxiety %devil
♥ Pose: Serendipity: catherine... (bento) (30L Saturday)
Hey guys, I've been dealing with a lot of crossroads in real life but I want to let you know that my blogging is still my therapy, passion and forefront. I have been busy with family relations, friend relations, religious relations, and most of all the most pressing matter job/career and education relations... So I may be posting normal but my words are far and few because I may not have the time right now, so thank you all for the support and patience, and I hope you enjoy! (Kisses)